
Data Protection

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uwhistle’s Data Protection and Privacy Policy is essential, in order to comply with the current regulations on the protection of personal data. Our compromise is in line with the RGPD, LOPD and the present and future guidelines issued by the Spanish Data Protection Agency that are applicable in our data processing processes. Please note that on our website you may find links to other websites that do not follow the same privacy rules. This data protection notice applies only to information that we collect on our website. When we work with our client’s data, we follow their privacy rules, which may be different from ours.


On our websites, we use something called cookies. Cookies are small files that are stored on your device that help
our site to work optimally. When you visit our website, we automatically collect some information that is necessary for everything to work properly, such as the type of browser you use, the time and date, and your estimated location. We also collect and use your personal data to make sure everything is working properly online and to keep our computer systems secured. This includes things like backups, solving technical problems, and protection against possible attacks. If you would like to learn more about this or adjust your preferences, please see our Cookie Policy.

When you allow us to use marketing cookies when you visit our website, we collect specific information about you, such as your contact details (if you provide them), how you arrived at our site and technical details about your interaction with the site, such as which pages you visited, the frequency of visits and interaction with advertisements. This data is essential to improve our products, research and develop new solutions, optimize our online services, evaluate our marketing effectiveness and customize ads to your interests.

With your consent to use statistical cookies on our website, we collect information to understand how you interact with our site. This includes time spent on the site, your origin, clicks on buttons or links, and technical data from your device, such as your IP address (anonymized) and the browser used. This data is valuable for improving the quality of our products, developing innovations, optimizing our online services and evaluating the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns. We also use this information to contact you by email.

For more information or to adjust your preferences, please see our Cookie Policy.


When you contact us, whether to request information, subscribe to our newsletters, receive marketing mailings, news, event reminders or webinars, we collect and use your personal data. This data may include your name, address, company name, telephone number, country of residence, email address and occupation.

The personal data is collected and used in accordance with the purposes for which you provided it. Sometimes, we may also obtain personal information from other sources, such as your employer, third parties you have authorized to share your information with us, or public sources such as corporate social networks.

When we obtain information from third parties, we always ensure that they have the proper authorization to share it with us, and we use it in accordance with our privacy policies and applicable laws.

We also use your personal data to carry out direct marketing actions, either because you have given us your consent, we have a relationship with you or because we consider it relevant to promote our products and services. You always can inform us if you prefer not to receive direct marketing from us at any time.


When you join any of our activities, we collect and use certain personal information about you. This data includes your name, address, company, telephone number, country of residence, email address and job position. In some situations, photographs or video recordings may also be included during the development of the activity.

The collection and use of this data is mainly for the proper organization and execution of the activity, as well as to provide you with post-event relevant information. In specific situations, when it is required to run the activity, we may share some of your information with collaborators and participants, such as moderators, agencies and event partners. This is done exclusively for purposes related to the activity.

During our activities, we often take photographs and videos that may be posted on our website, social networks, reports and newsletters, in which your name may be included. We keep detailed records of when and where these images were obtained.

Legal basis for taking and keeping these photographs and videos resides in our legitimate interest to report on the activity. By posting these photographs, we strictly comply with copyright laws and, if necessary, obtain your consent.

You have the option to allow photographs or videos to be taken during your participation in the activity. If you do not expressly inform us of your preference, we will assume that you consent the capture and publication of these images. However, you always have the right to object at any time to the capture and retention of your photographs and videos at future events. This can be done directly with the photographer or by sending an email to dataprotection@uwhistle.com.

It is important to mention that external reporters may also be present at our activities and may capture images. We don’t have control over the use they will make of those images, so we are unable to provide precise details about their use.

In addition to the above, we use your data for direct marketing purposes, but only if you give your consent or if there is an existing contractual relationship between us. If at any time you wish to stop receiving direct marketing communications from us, please notify us and we will cease communications.


We collect and use your personal data at the time you provide it when you start or use our services. This data includes such things as your name, address, company information, telephone number, email address and some technical details.

The use of your personal data is done for the purpose of complying with the agreements established with you. We also use this information when there is a legitimate interest, for example, to improve our products, manage our sales and services, optimize our online offerings, or to send you advertising related to the products you have previously purchased, unless you expressly decline to receive it.


In addition, we use your personal data in situations where we are legally obligated to do so. In accordance with various legal regulations that we must comply, we use your data only when it is essential for the fulfillment of these obligations. In particular cases, we may need to share this information with the competent authorities in accordance with the legal requirements of the law. We may also require the use of your data in circumstances where we are involved in legal proceedings and we need to process your information as an integral part of those proceedings.


At uwhistle, we have implemented rigorous security measures designed to protect the integrity of your data. We use advanced technology and internal guidelines specifically designed to prevent unauthorized changes, loss of information or access by unauthorized individuals. Furthermore, we continually improve these measures to keep in line with technological advances.

In line with our strong focus on protecting your data, our employees follow a strict Conduct Code that establishes guidelines on how they should safeguard and preserve the confidentiality of your information.


We store your data for the necessary and justified period and for the following reasons:

  • To provide you with the products and services you have requested.
  • To comply with legal requirements that stipulate the duration of data storage.
  • For the legitimate purposes we have explained in our privacy policy, unless you expressly choose to revoke your consent.
  • Until you choose to revoke your consent regarding the use of your data.

In case we use your data for multiple purposes, we will delete or retain it in a non-personally identifiable format once we have completed the last purpose.

Sometimes, it may be necessary to keep your data for a longer period of time if the law requires it or if it is needed for the resolution of pending legal cases. In these situations, we will withhold the information until the legal deadline is reached or the case is resolved.


The management of your personal information is handled by our employees, partners and service providers within the territory of the European Union. If we ever process your data in countries outside the European Union, special measures will be taken, such as using contracts with European Union standards, including technical and organizational protections. This guarantees that your data is handled in accordance with European data protection laws.


In case you have given your consent for the use of your personal data, you have the right to revoke it at any moment. However, it is important to note this action will not affect the lawfulness of the processing of your data prior to the revocation of consent, and will not affect future processing if there is a different legal basis, such as compliance with legal obligations.

If you have any questions concerning your personal data, or if you wish to know what information we have collected about you, modify, delete or limit its use, or if you prefer to stop this processing, you can contact our Data Protection Manager at dataprotection@uwhistle.com. We are at your disposal to answer your questions and respect your rights.

If you feel that your complaints or concerns have not been handled appropriately, you have the right to submit a complaint to the competent data protection authority.